The Pinecrest program is led by a volunteer staff of adult leaders, many of whom developed their own skills as Pinecrest campers. Pinecrest meets annually in August for a one-week session, currently being held at Camp Johnsonburg in Johnsonburg, NJ. An annual theme guides the program throughout the week in group competition, athletic contests and individual talent opportunities.
What we do at camp
The Pinecrest community resides in cabin villages. Each cabin is under the guidance of a veteran camper/cabin leader who has demonstrated his or her leadership skills in previous sessions. Cabins and villages work to build community with each other throughout the week. Pinecrest values all of our campers individually, as their authentic selves, and will work to ensure our nonbinary and transitioning campers are housed where they are most comfortable.
Worship and classes are an integral part of the Pinecrest experience. Morning Worship, Vespers after dinner, "Spiritual Horizons" at the close of evening programs, plus nightly Devotions by cabins form the daily worship experiences. A Candlelight Service is conducted on the final evening of camp, and Pinecresters join in a Communion Service on the closing day.
Classes are held each morning, and function as discussion groups during which campers can discuss current events and topics of the day. Campers choose which class topics they are interested in when registering for camp. Our faculty is composed of Pastors and other community leaders who volunteer their time and talents to Pinecrest and participate in all activities throughout the week, having fun and building community with our campers.
Scholarships are available to ensure that no young people are denied this opportunity due to financial need. Many congregations offer assistance. Consult your pastor regarding local programs. Partial, and in some cases, full scholarships are available from Pinecrest through the support of alumni and others. To request a scholarship, please fill out this Scholarship Form and follow the directions given.